Sophisticated Lighting Solutions Powered By Arrow Electric

Arrow Electric is a Diamond-level dealer with years of experience designing, installing, and integrating Lutron lighting and shading solutions in luxury homes. We’re qualified to work with all of Lutron’s top-of-the-line solutions, including:

  • HomeWorks: a best-in-class whole-home lighting control system
  • RadioRA 2 & 3: a wireless whole-home lighting control system
  • Palladiom: an architectural shading solution, available as a wired or wireless system
  • Ketra: innovative white-tunable and color-tunable lighting
  • Ivalo: a high-performance collection of intelligent downlights, linears, pendants, and scones

Lighting is a key component to transform any space. The possibilities are endless for crafting the perfect ambiance. At Arrow Electric, we understand the importance of lighting to bring warmth, brightness, and a welcoming atmosphere to every corner of your home. Our lighting systems go beyond providing functionality. We focus on delivering aesthetically pleasing solutions that promote convenience, energy-saving costs and sustainability. We are here to support you every step of the way to transform your living space.

Personalized Lighting Design  

Our design consultation process goes over the features you would like to accentuate in your home.  We consider every detail to create a captivating ambiance. From elegant chandeliers to subtle lighting that highlights your favorite artwork or your home’s architectural elements, we craft a personalized plan to enhance your living space.  No matter what you have envisioned, our team is ready to support you with unmatched expertise and creativity to transform your home however you imagined it.  We believe that the center of your home should be the reflection of your personality and taste, and that means tailoring your lighting setup to resonate with your vision.  

Lighting is more than just a functional element – it has the power to create an inviting atmosphere, to uplift your mood and even improve your sleeping patterns. The brilliance of light fixtures can elevate your special events, while soft, warm, glowing lights create cozy elements that promote relaxation and support your circadian rhythm for better rest and rejuvenation. Our team of professionals has extensive experience in crafting lighting solutions that cater to your unique requirements. Whether you are looking for a customized lighting design that complements your home’s ambiance or a seamless lighting system that effortlessly manages brightness levels through friendly-mobile apps or voice-activated commands, we’ve got you covered. 

Sustainability: The Next Generation of Lighting Systems  

Embrace the future of automated lighting systems. Our commitment to the environment drives us to partner with the best-in-class manufacturers that provide energy-efficient LED fixtures. These innovative lighting systems consume significantly less energy, ensuring eco-friendly living without compromising on quality and brilliance. Additionally, our LED fixtures boast impressive lifespans, reducing the frequency of replacements and minimizing environmental impact. With our energy-efficient lighting solutions, you can illuminate your home while reducing your utility bills and carbon footprint.  

Brighten Up Your Space With Arrow Electric 

Discover the unparallel control of sophisticated lighting fixtures with Arrow Electric. Experience the impact of transformative illumination for any space in your home. Embark on a radiant journey that will elevate your lighting systems, creating an impactful ambiance. Our team is ready to provide our expert support to bring customized solutions for every corner of your space.

Contact us today to learn more about our lighting and control services.